Wednesday, June 24, 2009


One more sweet voice of freedom silenced
By those who would crush democracy
Neda’s death has ignited
A bright spark of determination

The streets are overflowing
The young, the old
And those in between
Cry out loud for freedom

From darkened, lidless windows
Flickering candles glow
For a young life that’s ended
And in the streets of blood and pain
Strong winds of freedom blow

Neda, full of innocence
Neda, full of joyful laughter
Neda’s whos soft eyes once sparkled
Now lies dying for no reason

Bright flowers now scattered
Where a young woman has fallen
White flowers now scattered
Where a young life has ended

Tears flow from the eyes of strangers
Sweet Neda, dear Neda
You will never be forgotten

When the Muezzin cries out
Calling the faithful to evening prayers
Who’s soul will the Ayatollah pray for
Will it be for the murderer
Or will it be for the murdered
That he crushed with his corrupt power
Or will it be for himself
For his soul he condemned
For being the devils hand this dark day

One more sweet voice of freedom silenced
By those who would crush democracy
Neda’s death has ignited
A bright spark of determination

A precious life is now fading
A precious life has been taken
Neda, a young vibrant woman
Now lies dead and broken
Now lies dead and bleeding

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